A coalition of black clergy, consisting of leaders of the National African American Clergy Network and 17 African-American religious leaders, are demanding that the U.S. Senate fully consider the nominee whom President Barack Obama may pick to fill the seat of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died Feb. 13.
In a brief letter sent to Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, black leaders urge the Senate to respect the authority of the president and the Constitution. In it, they note that it is "unthinkable that members of the Senate and candidates for the highest office of the land would desire to put on hold for almost a year the fulfillment of urgent presidential and constitutional obligations."
"In our opinion, the obstruction projected by some members of the Senate is immoral, unwise, undemocratic and unconstitutional. Moreover, it is an affront to the dignity of the office held by our President," the letter continues.
Among those signing the letter are National African American Clergy Network Co-Chairs the Revs. Barbara Williams-Skinner and Otis Moss Jr.; Senior Pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church the Rev. Otis Moss III; President of Values Partnerships the Rev. Joshua DuBois; Senior Pastor of Windsor Village United Methodist Church the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell; and Senior Pastor of Cathedral International Bishop Donald Hilliard.