CNN apparently doesn’t realize how the Internet works. Tuesday night, the news network put out a call and response on Twitter asking people to use the hashtag #AskACop for its “Cops Under Fire” segment. The panel consisted of five police officers who used deadly force while protecting and serving. And, of course, the panel was moderated by Don Lemon.
Someone actually thought this was a good idea. But in the grand scheme of things, it was an excellent idea. With the recent deaths of Michael Brown, John Crawford III and Eric Garner, these cops need to realize that their violence against humans (because we know they all love their K-9 companions) will not be tolerated.
Users on Twitter had a lot of questions to ask, and didn’t fail to point out the obvious:
Let CNN tell it, its panel was a success, but it’s highly unlikely any of the questions posed on Twitter that called out the actions of killer cops were even glanced at.