CNN reports that a growing number of Americans are pessimistic about President Obama's policies, and a growing number are rooting for him to fail, according to a new national poll. A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Wednesday also indicates that although a majority of the public says that Republican control of the House of Representatives is good for the country, only one in four says the GOP will do a better job running things than the Democrats did when they controlled the chamber. Sixty-one percent of people questioned in the poll say that they hope the president's policies will succeed. In the article, CNN Polling Director Keating Holland stated, "Twelve months ago a majority of the public said that they thought Obama's policies would succeed; now that number has dropped to 44 percent, with a plurality predicting that his policies will likely fail."
Not to worry — the country still likes the president as a person. CNN poll numbers released last week indicate that 48 percent of all Americans approve of how Obama is handling his job as president, but the new survey puts his approval as a person at 73 percent. According to the poll, 51 percent say that GOP control of the House is good for the country, with 42 percent saying it's bad for the nation. These poll results demonstrate just how confused Americans seem to be about the direction of the country, not to mention how divided we are on the issues. President Obama is a great guy, with good policies that will fail. The GOP should be in power but can't be trusted to get the job done or run the House better than Democrats. Huh? We'll see how these poll results play out when Republicans take control of the House next week.
Read more at CNN.