Climate Change and its Impact

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It's Friday.  It's actually unseasonably warm and sunny in the BK [that's Brooklyn for you non-urban snobs].  I wanted to blog about the 1500 Indian farmers who committed mass suicide after their failed crops [due to climate change] sent them into debt.  I also wanted to blog about the Eskimo village that was flooded [due to climate change].  According to climatologists the village is probably the first in a forecast of many to fall victim to the rising seawaters.  In truth, although it saddens me that the climate is affecting so many, I simply don't have it in me to blog about anything but good news.  So, I'll just send a positive thought to the families of the Indian farmers and the residents of the flooded village.  Be safe, folks, and grateful.

Keith Josef Adkins is an award-winning playwright, screenwriter and social commentator.