Clarence Thomas’ Wife, Ginni, Has Been Pushing Hires for Trump's Administration

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Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (R) and his wife Virginia arrive in the Booksellers area of the White House to attend a state dinner honoring Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, in Washington, DC, on September 20, 2019.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (R) and his wife Virginia arrive in the Booksellers area of the White House to attend a state dinner honoring Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, in Washington, DC, on September 20, 2019.
Photo: Alastair Pike (Getty Images)

Supreme Court Justice and unofficial mime Clarence Thomas is trash.

He’s married to conservative activist—which is just another way of saying a great big whiny baby—Ginni Thomas.

Which means by mere association, Ginni Thomas, by marriage and occupation, is also trash.


That’s it. That’s the story.

If you need to read more, then know that behind the curtain of President Oz’s administration, the Penn to Thomas’ Teller has been working to purge the White House of folks who don’t bow down and kiss the ring of America’s first oligarch-in-chief.


According to Axios by way of Raw Story, Thomas has been whispering into the president’s undyed ear as to how to “rid the government of ‘snakes’ since his impeachment acquittal.”


Axios notes that Thomas holds weekly Wednesday meetings in the D.C. offices of Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group, in which recommendations are made for Trump’s staff because all of this totally seems above board. Does it matter that Tom Fitton, the head of Judicial Watch, is a frequent guest on Fox News and that Thomas, the rapper not the hype man in the black robe, suggested Trump’s favorite black ex-cop, former Sheriff David Clarke, for a senior Homeland Security role and he just so happens to also be a frequent guest on Fox News?


Probably not. I’m sure that Clarke’s penchant for berating black folks and blaming them for their own unarmed shooting deaths was more than enough to qualify for a role in Trump’s Homeland Security.

Ginni Thomas also suggested “Fox News regular and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino for a role with Homeland Security or as a counterterrorism adviser,” Raw Story notes.


Doesn’t matter that both men are grossly under-qualified for said positions; Trump may start listening to Thomas, the white one (pun intended), because her husband’s on the goddamn Supreme Court!

A source close to Thomas told Axios that she sent the president a memo just last year recommending folks for his administration. While Trump didn’t hire any of those people, now that his impeachment is over, he is reportedly looking to revisit those names.


I hope that he hires former Sheriff David Clarke because I can’t get enough of Clarke and his dumb-ass sheriff-looking hat. I also hope that Clarke has to talk to a congressional committee about his department so he and his hat can be stumped.