The City of Cincinnati announced that officer (or should I say former officer) Rose Valentino has been fired after being caught on her own body camera saying the n-word, according to WCPO News. Just a few years ago, the city had signed the Collaborative Agreement in an effort to mend police-community relations. It seems someone didn’t get the memo.
The report says Valentino was driving past a high school when she turned on her lights to signal parents waiting to pick up their kids to move out of the way. Here’s what the body camera caught her saying. (Warning: lots of little stars.)
“F****** n****rs. I f****** hate em. You gotta move. F****** ridiculous, f****** a*******. Is she gonna f****** just sit there? Oh I f****** hate them so much, God I hate this f****** world,” she said in the April 5 recording.
Read more on the situation from WCPO:
The internal report also said Valentino admitted to cursing at drivers who didn’t move their cars. She said she used the racial slur in reference to a Black teen who flipped her off while walking down the sidewalk after school.
In a statement Monday, interim police chief Teresa Theetge said Valentino’s use of the word was “not only inexcusable and incredibly hurtful,” but damaged the relationship the department has built with the community since the Collaborative Agreement.
“Officer Valentino’s clear loss of her emotions and ready use of the racial slur tarnished her ability to work with any community member or member of the Cincinnati Police Department hurt by her hateful words,” Theetge said. “This significantly reduces, if not eliminates, Officer Valentino’s ability to be a productive member of the police department. I want to be clear; this type of hateful speech will not be tolerated by anyone who works for the Cincinnati Police Department, sworn or civilian.”
One of the drafters of the city’s Collaborative Agreement, Iris Roley, said Valentino’s termination is a good move toward improving officer’s relationship with the community. “If I had it my way, the first time a racial slur was used, you would be out of a job,” he told WCPO.
Cincinnati NAACP President Joe Mallory said in a statement that he hopes Valentino will take time to engage in anti-racism training and mental health counseling. I don’t know, man. She may need a little more than a few PowerPoint presentations. That hard ‘R’ came out her mouth with some conviction.
Just imagine how many more Valentino’s we have in our police departments.