‘Chuck and Nancy’ Cancel Meeting With Trump Because He’s an Asshole

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Democratic leaders Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York and Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California are getting tired of President Donald Trump’s shit. Fine, I don’t know if they are, but we, the collective millions of us who didn’t vote for him, are. Nevertheless, Schumer and Pelosi were supposed to meet Tuesday afternoon to prevent a government shutdown.

And then the president tweeted this:

Realizing that Senate Minority Leader Schumer and House Minority Leader Pelosi were walking into a one-sided conversation with a baby with D-grade hair, “Chuck and Nancy” canceled the meeting.


“Given that the President doesn’t see a deal between Democrats and the White House, we believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with our Republican counterparts in Congress instead,” Pelosi and Schumer said in their joint statement, Politico reports. “Rather than going to the White House for a show meeting that won’t result in an agreement, we’ve asked [Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell and [House Speaker Paul] Ryan to meet this afternoon.”


The government will run out of funding on Dec. 8, which basically means it’s going to shut down because Trump doesn’t know how to close a deal.

“If the President, who already said earlier this year that ‘our country needs a good shutdown,’ isn’t interested in addressing the difficult year-end agenda, we’ll work with those Republicans who are, as we did in April. We look forward to continuing to work in good faith, as we have been for the last month, with our Republican colleagues in Congress to do just that,” Pelosi and Schumer said.


Read more at Politico.