Christine Blasey Ford Says She Will Not Appear at a Public Hearing Without an FBI Investigation

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The process of confirming Brett Kavanaugh as the new justice on the U.S. Supreme Court just hit another hiccup. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused him of sexual assault, is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday. Blasey Ford has now come out to say she believes the FBI should investigate the claims first.

The New York Times reports that Blasey Ford has not explicitly ruled out appearing before the Judiciary Committee on Monday. Speaking through her attorneys, she said she believes some senators have already made up their minds about her claims, and an investigation should be “the first step” before she is put “on national television to relive this traumatic and harrowing incident.”

Senate Democrats as well as others have also raised the issue that there should be an investigation, but as the Times notes, Republicans have rejected that possibility. They have made it clear that Monday would be Blasey Ford’s opportunity to be heard—either publicly or privately—and it is entirely possible that they would move forward with the hearing or cancel it altogether if she chooses not to appear.


That would mean Kavanaugh’s confirmation being pushed forward anyway, despite the looming accusation.


Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a member of the committee, told Fox News on Tuesday evening, “If she does not come on Monday, we are going to move on and vote on Wednesday.”


It is both disheartening and telling that the Republicans on the committee don’t think it is worth looking into Blasey Ford’s accusations—whether they personally believe them or not. It should be part of the legal protocol to investigate all such claims, and the fact that this is not a standard speaks volumes.

But, what else are we to expect during the Pussy Grabber Presidency?

I guess not much.