Black Snob editor Danielle Belton takes aim at a Texas pastor who described GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's Mormon faith as a cult during the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. She surmises that the attacks are the result of fear and misinformation about the religion.
The great gathering of Mainstream Klansmen Smart Enough to Not Wear Hoods, aka "The Value Voters Summit," met over the weekend in Washington, D.C. and there folks engaged in their usual "gays and Islam are the greatest threats to America" hate speech, but no one called it that because they didn't use the "N-word" or wear hoods. It was great. They chose Ron Paul as their favorite Republican, and Value Voters summiter Baptist minister Robert Jeffress grabbed the media mic to call Mitt Romney a "moral" man who happens to be a member of the cult of Mormonism.
Oh, well, THAT'S going to get complicated!
A Rick Perry hype man and Texas pastor, Jeffress said the second-most deadly diss you can lobby at "values voter" conservative, (the first is "Niggerhead lover"), by saying my favorite whipping boy and Republican "good hair" lover man, Mitt "Mittens" Romney, was … *clutches pearls* … not a Christian.
From Politico:
"Jeffress described Romney's Mormon faith as a 'cult,' and said evangelicals had only one real option in the 2012 primaries.
" 'That is a mainstream view, that Mormonism is a cult,' Jeffress told reporters here. 'Every true, born again follower of Christ ought to embrace a Christian over a non-Christian.' "
Read Danielle Belton's entire post at Black Snob.