The Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder's new show, Black Jesus, hasn't even aired its first episode, and if Christian-rights groups have their way, it never will.
McGruder's comedy show for the Adult Swim network finds Black Jesus, played by actor Gerald "Slink" Johnson, living in Compton, Calif., where he tells his followers, "You get money f—king with me."
McGruder's Jesus is a barbecuing humanitarian who, when questioned about smoking all the weed, tells one man, "You do realize I died for your motherf—king sins, right?" He is also shot at by agnostic gangbangers, and one woman tells the Messiah, "Don't think because you are Jesus that I won't whoop your ass."
But some Christians don't like the idea of a satirical look at their Lord and savior.
According to Opposing Views, One Million Moms, a Christian-based activist group; and Pastor David A. Rodgers, of the House of Prayer for All Nations Ministries in Chicago, want the show canceled before the first episode—scheduled to air Aug. 7—hits small screens.
Rodgers posted an open letter on his Facebook page addressed to Adult Swim:
We, the Christian community are vehemently opposed and violently offended at this upcoming program soon to air on your channel called BLACK JESUS. The level of disrespect aimed at the depiction of our Lord and Savior is inexcusable. We are hard pressed to find any value in this program, its message or its purpose. As a group of believers, we are prepared to launch a mass campaign and boycott of your channel and any advertisers that are financially profiting from this program. These continued attacks against our Christian values and the degrading imagery of the Lord Jesus Christ, will be met with social media awareness to the entire Christian Community and a targeted boycott of your advertisers.
One Million Moms posted a similar statement bashing the show on its website: Black Jesus " … makes a mockery of our Lord. The foul language used in the trailer, including using the Lord's name in vain, is disgusting." It also asked that other Christians join their fight by letting Adult Swim know that they are " … prepared to join thousands of other voices in urging advertisers to place it on their 'do not advertise' list in protest of this anti-Christian bigotry."
Despite the controversy surrounding the trailer for the show, fans haven't stopped taking to social media to offer their full support. "I will be quoting this show the rest of my life," one fan wrote on the Black Jesus official Facebook page, which opens with two brown hands in prayer and a statement that could be both a warning and an appeal, reading, "Ready your minds, open your hearts."
Read more at Opposing Views.