Chris Brown Denies Accusation That He Assaulted a Woman in Las Vegas

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Editor’s note: This article contains a social media post that some may find offensive.

Chris Brown is being accused of assaulting a woman in Las Vegas early Saturday morning, USA Today reports.

The woman filed a police report claiming that Brown hit her and took her cellphone after she tried to take a photo with him. A press statement from the Las Vegas Police Department confirms that the accusation was made: "A crime report has been taken for misdemeanor theft and misdemeanor battery listing Mr. Brown as a suspect," it read, going on to say that the woman "appeared to have minor injuries sustained as a result of a battery."


Brown's publicist, Nicole Perna, immediately released a statement that denied the accuser's version of events, telling the Associated Press that the woman "was escorted out of the private after-party at the Palms Casino Resort for being disruptive and out of control."


"Once she was in the hallway, while waiting for Chris Brown's security to bring out her phone, she had a total meltdown—throwing her purse to the ground and claiming that she 'could buy everyone in the hotel'—as witnessed by numerous people waiting to get into the party. The Palms Casino Resort security also saw her wild behavior via hotel security cameras and immediately came up to the hallway to escort her out of the hotel," Perna continued. "Her claim that she had her phone in her possession inside the after-party and was able to take a photo causing an altercation with Chris Brown is a complete fabrication."


Brown indirectly addressed the accusation on Instagram, posting a message about how he's done taking care of "grown ass men" and that he's going to be "rich after all the lawsuits [he] file[s] from these crazy individuals who keep lying on [his] name."  

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Diana Ozemebhoya Eromosele is a staff writer at The Root and the founder and executive producer of Lectures to Beats, a Web series that features video interviews with scarily insightful people. Follow Lectures to Beats on Facebook and Twitter.