Chris Brown Banned From Interviews

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Chris Brown banned from interviews after Rihanna drama: Questions about violence toward his ex led to a trashed GMA set last time the singer promoted his album. We agree with his management that he'd be better off skipping interviews and sticking to approved lyrics and choreography when he appears in public this time around.

A rare look inside immigration jails:  Check out the report from ColorLines and the Applied Research Center.

Angela and Vanessa Simmons owe IRS $450,000: Tax season is going to be rough on these two. The Detroit News reported Wednesday that Rev. Run's two daughters collectively owe nearly half a million dollars.


Cancer deaths drop most among African Americans: Between 2004 and 2008, deaths from cancer decreased among all Americans and especially among African Americans. "It's an encouraging note that the decrease in cancer deaths was a little larger as a percentage in the African-American population," said Michael V. Seiden, president and CEO of Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. "This is wonderful to see because, as a group, they do much worse than whites. That's a gap we need to close."