Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state who should’ve been the first female president if not for Russia fucking with the votes, celebrated her 73rd birthday Monday. Clinton’s birthday just so happened to fall on the same day Senate Republicans were voting to force judge Amy Coney Barrett onto the Supreme Court.
So you know what that means if you’re a petty ass punk who can’t keep Hillary Clinton’s name out of your mouths...TROLL TWEET!
The Hill notes “the tweet came shortly after Barrett was confirmed in a 52-48 Senate vote, with Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) the only Republican to buck party lines and oppose the nominee.”
Barrett was sworn in at a ceremony at the White House with President Trump and a silent mime in whiteface…
News Editor Monique Judge: Stephen, that wasn’t a mime, that was Clarence Thomas.
Me: You Sure?
Please God, let this event, like the one before it, also be a super-spreader soiree. “Barrett will take her judicial oath on Tuesday in a private ceremony with Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts,” the Hill reports. This ceremony may or may not include the beheading of a goat and the drinking of blood, as I’m unfamiliar with Illuminati practices.
We all could’ve guessed that jacket-less Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan was behind the tweet because he’s the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. He’s also a whiny white man who would totally troll tweet a private citizen who isn’t thinking about their asses.
Clinton, who was reportedly booked and busy, didn’t have time to hear a broke bitch say something but she did take a moment to condemn Barrett’s confirmation.