As President Obama is proving by the day, giving no fucks can be a liberating, freeing, and refreshing experience. In fact, if you don't feel liberated, free, and refreshed at the end of your journey to Nofucksville, you just might be in the wrong city. Perhaps you took a wrong exit and ended up in Stillkindagivingafuckpolis or Lastfuckburgh, but you're probably not where you think you are just yet. If you are there, however, it's great and its glorious. (At least that's what I've heard. I'm not there yet either.)
Unfortunately, while there are countless books and seminars and curricula and TED Talks and therapies structured around and catered to people who still give fucks, there's not much out there for people who give none to assist them on their journey. But fortunately I've been able to scour the internet, local libraries, and even a few yard sales to find a few.
The Art of Giving No Fucks
Written in the 6th century by Moon Tzu, second cousin of Sun Tzu, The Art of Giving No Fucks explains that the best way to engage opponents in order to prevail in difficult situations is to see no fucks where they see some.
Who Moved My Fucks?
A New York Times bestseller, Who Moved My Fucks? is the story of two mice who gave no fucks about their cheese, and the lessons learned from them can be applied to business.
The Tipping Point: How Little Fucks Can Make A Big Difference
This book of short and conversational stories articulates how just giving one solitary fuck can spread and influence others to also still give a fuck.
Tuesdays With Fuck-less Morrie
A writer recounts the time he spent with his now-elderly college professor, and the lessons learned from those meetings taught him how to live a fuck-less life.
Lean In and Fuck Off: Women, Work, and the Will to Relinquish Fucks
A great guide for the fuck-less 21st century White woman.
Eat, Pray, Love, and Lose Fucks
An award-winning memoir featuring a woman who had everything, but left it all behind to pursue what she really wanted: a complete and utter absence of fucks.
The Five Love Languages: How to Have Your Mate Join You On Your Fuck-less Journey
A great, great read for couples.
Think and Grow Rich With Your Picnic Basket Full Of No Fucks
This collection of stories interviews famous people who've given no fucks, helping the reader follow their fuck poor footsteps.
The Fuck-Less Road Less Traveled
While most think there's only one way to get to Nofucksville, this book informs people of alternative routes. Think of it as a fuck withheld Waze app.
You Can Heal Your Fuck-Filled Life
This book takes a metaphysical approach to removing all remaining fucks from your lifespace. Reading it is like a Bikram Yoga class, where instead of losing sweat you lose fucks.