Chicago Mayoral Candidate Carol Moseley Braun Calls Opponent a 'Crackhead'

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The Internet is buzzing over former senator and current Chicago mayoral candidate Carol Moseley Braun's rant against her opponent Patricia Watkins, in which she called the woman a "crack addict" in a fit of anger. Did we mention that Braun did this in a church? Braun was angry that Watkins had said that she didn't even know where Braun was, and Braun went slap off, stating, "The reason you didn't know where I was for the past 20 years is because you were strung out on crack, and you admitted that."

Footage of the closed debate was given to the media, showing an angry and hostile Braun speaking to and about Watkins in a manner not befitting a mayor, and certainly not a former senator. Braun has refused to comment on the tirade, while critics are suggesting that this outburst is an example of why Braun is not suited for the coveted mayoral position.

Yeah, calling an opponent a crackhead isn't cool, even if she did have a drug problem in the past. Watkins admits to using drugs but says it was not crack. Carol Moseley Braun is proving to be her own worst enemy. It looks like Rahm Emanuel's path to the mayor's office just got a little clearer.


Read more at the Black Snob

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