Cherry Pickin': A Headline Round-Up

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Stanley Crouch Ethers Michael Steele, Et al; Steele Apology Probably Forthcoming

Obama Gives British PM Brown DVDs, England Salty

Michael Steele: Hip-Hop Rethuglican

Don't Understand Obama's Budget? Get Stimulated

Black Unemployment Rose in February, No Longer Considered Month All God's Children Work

Black Leaders Set Records in State Legislatures, Roland Burris Given Asterisk

First Lady Serves Meals to Homeless, Whether Foot Was Put in it Unknown

Activists Seek Probe of 1959 Fire That Killed 21 Boys

Shirley Chisolm Honored

Ads Depict Post-Racial Society; Reality? Not So Much

Unemployment: Highest Since 1983; Jheri Curl Threatens Comeback

No Surgeon Generalship for Sanjay Gupta; Prefers TV, Less Work

Rev. Wright Says Obama 'Ain't Jesus', Some Faint

African States Face Warrant Dilemma with Bashir

Chris Brown Arraignment Postponed; Not Allowed to "Annoy, Harass, Threaten or Molest" Anyone


CNN Cancels Hughley Show, Many Wonder 'What Show?'