Slang Rap Democracy has found a way to honor Guru, who succumbed to cancer a few days ago
Gang Starr, along with sizable doses of Native Tongue, BDP and Juice Crew music, was my perpetual soundtrack ever since I first peeped the visual for “Words I Manifest” on Video Music Box. There was no better and dependable place to go for that good ol’ NYC boom bap (even if Guru was from Boston and Premier is from Texas) than a Gang Starr record.
With that in mind, here is every Gang Starr, and Guru, video in chronological order. Pretty sure the good Dart Adams has this covered already, but so be it.
It’s a shame but Jadakiss was right; dead rappers get better promotion. Even GQ notes that he was “underrated.” It’s too bad that only after his death will Guru really get the credit that he is due. RIP Guru.
Click here to check out the compilation on Slang Rap Democracy