Charlotte, N.C., Hotel Cancels Contract With White-Supremacist Group

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A white-supremacist group is hopping mad that a Charlotte, N.C., hotel canceled its contract with the controversial group. Politics Daily reports that on Monday, on a plaza in front of the Government Center, Jared Taylor exercised his First Amendment right to free speech to insist that very right had been violated by city officials. Taylor heads the New Century Foundation, best known for the American Renaissance website, monthly magazine and conferences that argue for the idea of genetic and moral differences among races and the dangers of diversity, reports Mary C. Curtis.

Taylor hopes that his American Renaissance Conference will go on as planned Feb. 4-6 in Charlotte, though right now it doesn't have a meeting place because the the Sheraton Charlotte Airport Hotel canceled the group's reservations for 100 rooms last week, citing concern for guests' safety. A statement from the hotel said that organizers had not explained the nature of the conference.

Who in their right mind would conduct business with on-the-record racists? Why don't they build their own facility, and then they can hold as many hate-filled conferences as they want? When you want to do business with businesses that work with the entire public, including what you call the genetically deficient, then it stands to reason that your contract will be canceled. That's not rocket science — it's common sense, which obviously eludes this group.


Read more at Politics Daily.

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