Leave it to Charlamagne Tha God to label the inherent dysfunction in the GOP as “authenticity.” During an interview on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” that aired Wednesday, the controversial media personality said that Democrats can learn from Republicans to “talk like real people.”
“Democrats have a problem. It’s not their policies. It’s not their fundraising,” he stated. “The problem they have is their messaging, or to say it plainer, it’s how they talk. Nobody wants to hear the normal political voice anymore,” the 45-year-old “Breakfast Club” host insisted.
To illustrate his point, Charlamagne cited Miss Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body herself — Marjorie Taylor Greene — as a prime example. “Yes, I know Marjorie Taylor Greene is a Whole Fools Market,” he joked. “But that’s authentic. That’s real America. That’s what a Waffle House sounds like at 3 a.m.”
Of course, his observation didn’t stop there. “That’s making a scene at Ann Taylor Loft because you can’t make a return without a receipt.” He also extended this opinion to Trump. “He is a guy who knows what he wants and knows how to get it,” Charlamagne stated.
“The message is terrible, but it’s clear when he says, ‘Build a wall; lock her up; I hate sharks.’ No one goes, ‘I wonder what he means?’ Folks appreciate when someone sounds authentic, even if their ideas are terrible.”
The “Get Honest or Die Lying” author doesn’t have the range and really should sit this one out, but will commodify his two cents anyway. During the discussion he added: “...With Democrats, even when they talk about the good things they’ve done, it sounds fake. And I know that they’re capable of sounding real.
“I talk to a lot of these politicians behind the scenes. I hear how they speak when the mic’s not on, and it’s two totally different people.” Charlamagne then alluded to Hillary Clinton.
“I’ve talked to Hillary behind the scenes and trust me, she’s a real human. I know you won’t believe this, but she can even say a great ‘motherf***er.’ That Hillary would be at the end of her second term right now. But Democrats only talk authentically when it slips out.”
Sadly, Charlamagne oversimplified this sentiment. Greene and Trump aren’t authentic — they are flagrant conservatives who consistently lie. Whether it’s Greene spouting her QAnon conspiracy theories or Trump lying about the 2020 election being stolen, the pair are extremely dishonest.
Their racist followers support them because they amplify gross and hateful rhetoric, not because they’re “genuine.” Charlamagne’s point may have had substance, but it becomes difficult to recognize when he’s busy praising Republicans.