Chantelle Biya of Cameroon Gives Michelle Obama a Run for Her Money

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Now that the first lady of the United States is past her first 100 days in "office," a host of profiles and tributes and pop theses on her appeal have started to appear: The NEW YORK TIMES wrote about how Obama's staff has maintained tight-fisted control over her public image; while the WASHINGTON POST describes her transformation "from a potential campaign liability into America's newest sweetheart and No. 1 cover girl, every bit as popular as her husband."

But when it comes to popularity and, face it—sheer fiercetude—one fabulous first lady sems to give the beloved Obama a run for her money: Chantal Biya, First Lady of Cameroon. Biya, married to president Paul Biya of Cameroon, wears a signature pompadour hairstyle known to folks in Cameroon as "la banane". She's pictured here at the United Nations with Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, first lady of France—who held her own with Michelle, but doesn't even appear to be trying with Madame Biya.


Covers the White House and Washington for The Root. Follow her on Twitter.
