Celebrity-Obsessed Trump Listens to Kim Kardashian, Commutes Alice Johnson’s Life Sentence

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It might be time to run all of our presidential requests through Kim Kardashian West. President Donald Trump, appearing to heed the advice of the reality-TV star after their chat at the White House last week, has commuted the sentence of Alice Johnson, a black woman serving life for a nonviolent drug offense, Axios reports.

Johnson has already served 21 years of that life sentence after being convicted in 1996 for conspiracy to possess cocaine and attempted possession of cocaine.

It was the first drug offense—and first arrest, period—for the mother of five.

A Mic video on Johnson’s case caught Kardashian West’s eye, prompting her to reach out to Jared Kushner, one of Donald Trump’s top advisers, to persuade Trump to free her.


The monthslong discussions culminated in a meeting at the White House last week, where Kardashian West personally lobbied for Johnson’s freedom.


Following the news, which broke Wednesday afternoon, Kardashian West tweeted, “Best news ever!”


This is the sixth act of clemency that Trump has performed, according to CNN. Those previously pardoned include former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, legendary boxer Jack Johnson (a posthumous pardon), former Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, and conservative author and sunken place ambassador Dinesh D’Souza.

Trump didn’t grant Johnson a full pardon—which would have wiped her record clean—opting instead to reduce her sentence. She’s expected to be released from prison soon.


Jennifer Turner, speaking on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union, said that she was grateful to the president for commuting the sentence and to Kardashian West for her advocacy.

Turner said, “I urge the president to do the same for other federal prisoners serving extreme sentences that don’t match the offenses while reforming our draconian sentencing laws that produce these senseless punishments.”