Celebrities React to Casey Anthony Verdict

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Where's the Proof?

Anita Baker: "Innocent until PROVEN guilty … No cause of death. If you don't know HOW it happened, you can't say [whodunit]."

An Angry Actor

Boris Kodjoe: Speechless! All I can think of is the baby. So angry! WTF.

Yes, It Really Was

Brian White: "Wait … Was the verdict really NOT guilty???"

It's the Law

Don Lemon: "Just from the little bit I saw there was no 'smoking' gun, fingerprints, eyewitness in #CaseyAnthony trial. #CNN #NotGuilty #reasonabledoubt"


Iffy Evidence

Elise Neal: "Wow, #caseyanthony not guilty?? On all the murder charges? Was the evidence THAT iffy? REALLY?"


If You Can't Say Anything Nice …

Gabrielle Union: "SO much 2 say, but nada appropriate."

The Emotional Toll

Holly Robinson Peete: "My heart is pounding, I just sweat through my shirt and we are about to go on the air … #justiceforcaylee"


A Star Is Born?

Lalah Hathaway: "I better not see her at the MTV awards next year …"

No Words

La La Vazquez: "Speechless. Stunned."

The Last Word

Ledisi: "Pray for that family and the spirit of that little girl. God always has the last say."


O.J. Simpson All Over Again?

Marlon Wayans: "Casey Anthony aka WHITE O.J."

On Guilt

Marsha Ambrosius: "So … Lie enough over a period of time to the point where you believe yourself. Possibly others believe you, too. Doesn't make you not guilty."


What's There to Celebrate?

Niecy Nash: "I understand being relieved if [you're] found not guilty but all the smiling & laughing when [your] child is dead is ridiculous & offensive:(. Wow …"


Casey Anthony vs. America

Reagan Gomez: "I don't get the whole 'Why are u shocked, America wouldn't have convicted her' theory. Thousands of women [are] in prison 4 killing [their] kids."


Don't Forget the Child

Star Jones: "While #CaseyAnthony lives 'Bella Vita' … her 'beautiful life' … a dead baby lies in the ground with no one to be held responsible."


Surprise All Around

Terry McMillan: "Even the judge tried not to look shocked. But he was. Clearly."

No White Privilege

Touré: "Some are like, 'she's white, she'll be fine.' Um, no. She's a nationally known pariah. Infamous coast to coast. She lost her white [privilege] card."


Lessons Not Learned?

Vivica A. Fox: "I mean, really?? WTH is this gonna teach teenage moms! Go party [and] lie to the cops about it and u too can get away with it?? WTF??"
