Celebrating Black Fatherhood With #7DaysOfBlackDads

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Father’s Day is steadily approaching, and it’s a holiday that deserves to be celebrated boldly and proudly. Black fathers are often maligned (go ahead, Google “black father” and see what results you get) in the media, even though we see, experience and all know some amazing men who nurture, love and cherish their children.

We want to flip the idea society has about black fatherhood on its head, so we’ve asked our readers to share photos of their awesome dads using the hashtag #7DaysOfBlackDads. We’re on Day 2 and have already seen tons of submissions. Here are a few that make our hearts flutter! Happy Father’s Day!


What a beautiful group of fathers you are! Keep sending us your adorable pictures and videos of you and your dad with the hashtag #7DaysOfBlackDads, and we’ll post them here or on our Instagram page!