CeeLo Green’s Exploding-Cellphone Video Confirmed Fake

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CeeLo Green, who had a bit of a topple from grace over sexual assault claims and his commentary about them over the last few years (funny, because he kind of looks like Humpty Dumpty), was back in the news as footage of a cellphone exploding in his face circulated this weekend.

Given the very real problem that Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones had with this very issue, some folks were concerned that the Dirty South rapper was really hurt.


The less-than-a-minute video showed the rotund wordsmith and singer in a studio where he takes a phone call, talks into it for a few seconds and then swivels away from the camera in his chair. Suddenly there’s a bright flash and Green (real name: Thomas DeCarlo Callaway) dramatically tumbles to the ground (there goes Humpty again).


Yet some on these disbelieving internets were suspicious from the very beginning.


Turns out those folks were right. In a Facebook Live video a few hours later, the Gnarls Barkley crooner set the record straight.

“What you saw today was a clip from a smaller video that we were shooting for a new project I'm doing called ‘Gnarly Davidson,’” Green said. “It was supposed to set up the new character identity.”


The rapper said that he wanted to let those who care about him to know “I’m OK, and I just want to thank everybody for their love and support and concern.”


He continued by saying that he had a “very difficult day” dealing with everything, but we suspect that having his name in the press for something not so scandalous made up for it.

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