Dear, reader; hear me and hear me good: “No One in the World” could prepare for the Twitter firestorm that ensued over the weekend from music legend Anita Baker in response to Babyface’s fans still angry over the drama that took place during their concert in New Jersey last month.
Miss Baker already took time out to address them last week, but over the weekend, she let “Kenny’s Crazies” have it in a myriad of tweets where she clarified once again that she’s not a diva and that it’s Babyface’s fans who are taking this mess to a whole other level.
“When A friend, is being attacked, by Your friends?... because, of Mis-information/fake news And, You have an Opportunity, to Say Something/Correct it? ... It’s A Nice, thing. ... It’s the Right thing to do. Reputation, Peace & Safety Matters,” she wrote in her first tweet—likely referencing the cryptic message Babyface posted to Instagram following his canceled set at the New Jersey show a while back that seemingly placed blame on the “Caught Up in the Rapture” songstress.
She then revealed how she allegedly gave this “friend” “$200,000 worth of production” money out of the kindness of her heart, only for them to “Complain & hold up, the show Annnd, Slander & *Villanize, Your name to social media blogs & press.”
Referencing the previous show specifically, Baker wrote:
“It was 9:30pm. *Contractually?... It was WAAAY Past time 4 the Headline Performer, to be On Stage/Anita Baker Support Act did Not Perform. I have No Contract with Support Act. Not my Call I Did what i was *Contracted 2 do & Love, as Headline Performer, of my Sold Out Concert.
This Truth? Will never Reach all of the Places & People that The Slander & Intentional Fake News has been, *deliberatly Sent 2* I dont really, do Press. It’s Exhausting. I simply prefer to Sing. I’m Praying the Truth reaches My Global Fan Base & My Reputation is Restored.
Support Act’s Equipment was On Stage For HOURS Prior my Set amid Video wall Failure... But, With Live Musicians? We. PLAY. ANYway. Why did they, Not Perform? I/Anita did Nothing to Prevent their Live/to Track, Performance....Other ppl? Tech issue? #AskThem”
Baker then went on to say that for PR’s sake, it wouldn’t have been advantageous of Babyface to just come out and admit that he missed his performance time slot as using her as the blame is more appealing fodder for “industry blogs and media.” When others took issue with her referring to Face as her “supporting act,” she schooled them on how contracts work, made it clear that they were not co-headliners, and eventually referenced them as “Kenny’s Crazies.”
“Dearest one. You are Not, privy to *The Contracts*. Yes, Babyface is Special Guest/Support Act, on My Tour,” she said. “This False Narrative, of A Co-headliner is creating Unrealistic Expectations & Aggression, from his fans towards me. He should tell you guys, the Truth.”
She continued: “As you can see... Some of his fans, are Not accepting of the Reality, that he is Contracted, as Special Guest/Support, on My Tour Some even want to hurt me... Crazyyyy. Town.”
She later added, “Kenny’s Crazies are online Bullies. @Babyface. Please call off, your fans. I have been Only Kind and Supportive, of You, as the Special Guest/Support, on My Tour...There is A White man, behind these Grown Black Men... harrassing Me & Gaslighting, My Fans. Because he Cant take over, this Tour... sO? He wants to Destroy it. Kenny’s Crazy Narcissist @Babyface call off, your Boys.”
Now this is hardly the first time an artist has taken to the streets of Twitter to air out their grievances, clear the air, or send a message to their fans. But this has got to be the first time we’ve seen music legends like this clap back to this level on a public forum. It should be noted that Babyface has yet to comment on anything Miss Baker has tweeted out (he’s probably too busy reeling in the praise from his recent NPR Tiny Desk performance.) But as soon as he says something, we’ll say something and let you know because this song and dance is about one note and one step too long.