Trigger warning: This article contains mentions of sexual assault and rape.
Cardi B is letting her thoughts fly when it comes to homosexuality and how she believes some people become gay.
These latest musings were inspired by the latest show she’s binge-watching, the new Netflix series called “Baby Reindeer,” which tells the true story of a comedian Danny trying to get on his feet and make it big and winds up with a stalker.
(Slight spoilers ahead)
For context, one of the major series plot points is that in Danny’s quest to figure things out, he winds up being drugged and repeated sexually assaulted and raped by a man who was supposed to assist him in his career. Because of this, Danny begins questioning his own identity and sexuality and further explores sexual relations with both men and women in an effort to figure himself out and navigate
It’s that part that made Cardi reflect on the scarcity of stories from men’s perspective when it comes to their experience with sexual assault and decipher that while she believes some people are born gay—others discover they are through their assault.
“It’s so important for us to know certain male perspectives about these types of things because women go through a lot of sexual assault, but we don’t really get to hear or see what other men go through when they experience sexual assault. It shocked me,” she said in a since expired video from her Instagram.
She continued:
“I believe there’s some men that are born gay. I have a cousin that I just knew since he was two years old he was gay...And there’s men that get sexually assaulted then they find out they are gay. People are always going to be judgmental, people are always going to not accept them and stuff like that. But it’s like people sometimes don’t even know their story or how they got there. That’s why sometimes you got to be more open about certain things because its like you just dont know people’s story andwhy they like their preference and how they even got there.”
She then went on to say that “not everybody is born gay,” citing the characters initial heterosexuality before his assault.
“He just wanted to identify what he likes, all because he got sexually assaulted,” she said.
As a heterosexual Black woman, I’m in no position to speak on this but what I will say is that it’s never wise to invalidate anyone’s experience and journey to figure themselves out, and I hope all survivors of sexual assault continue to get the help they need.