On an episode of podcast 3 Brothers No Sense, Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman had his first interview since the Jan 6. insurrection, reported Business Insider. Goodman said due to the rioters and officers being armed it ‘could have easily been a bloodbath.’
We remember Goodman as the officer from Jan 6. Who led the rioters away from an unprotected chamber of the Capitol building. During former President Trump’s impeachment trial, it was revealed he also confronted Sen. Mitt Romney briefly before approaching the mob, warning him to turn around, per Insider. For his diversion tactic in that hostile situation, he was invited to escort Vice President Kamala Harris on Inauguration Day and awarded a Congressional Gold Medal.
From Business Insider:
Goodman said on the podcast that his military training, which taught him how to “think on the fly,” proved crucial in those moments. “Obviously, I wasn’t thinking about the military while I was in that moment, but it definitely came together for me,” he said.
He ultimately led the crowd towards where he thought other officers would be on hand, though he was uncertain in the moment.
“They looked to be coming my way, but I wasn’t sure,” he said. “By the time I got upstairs, they were there.”
Goodman said it was a good thing officers didn’t use excessive force in controlling the mob. “It could have been easily been a bloodbath, so kudos everybody there that showed a measure of restraint with regards to deadly force because it could have been bad.”Really, really bad,” said Goodman via the podcast.
Following the event, officers received backlash for their bravery, according to Insider. Goodman referenced Capitol Officer Harry Dunn who experienced harassment for speaking out about what he saw that day.
From Business Insider:
“He’s said he’s out with his daughter, and he’s had random people run up and throw drinks in his face, and stuff like that. That’s mostly why I haven’t been doing any interviews, anything like that, ‘cause I just don’t want any part of the negativity,’ said Goodman via the podcast.
Goodman’s interview puts into perspective what the officers were thinking when deciding on how to tame the mob. Ultimately, these officers were outnumbered by a violent crowd. One shot would’ve triggered a rain of fire from the military firearms the rioters paraded inside the building.