This month, presents Month of the Man, where we bring you career features tailored for male leaders of color all over the world.
When he’s not putting in hours as an account coordinator at LM&O Advertising, Alix Montes can be found dishing career advice to professional women at Levo League . Though he has an interest in women’s issues—and thinks other men should, too—Montes also knows a thing or two about the challenges of being a black man in the workforce. Below, he offers tips on workplace advancement that you can take with you to the office and beyond:
Over-communicate in the workplace. “That just means keeping people in the loop,” Montes says. “So when you have someone who’s waiting on something from you—whether it’s another department in the agency, your superiors, a client, a vendor—let them know what the status of certain things is. If something is going to be late, let them know as soon as possible, and give them as much time to prepare for it. It helps manage expectations. Let people know what to expect… so when they first hear something they’re not caught off guard, or they won’t have the wrong questions for you.”
image credit: blackisonline
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