If Candace Owens was standing outside of a Candace Owens rally wearing a t-shirt that read, “I’m Candace Owens!” it wouldn’t take long for a passerby to wonder aloud: “Who the fuck is Candace Owens?!”
Since birth, Candace Owens has spent the better part of her life coming up with the worst hot takes this side of Jason Whitlock, and she’s not even a journalist. She’s some sort of hybrid race-hater who refuses to care for her edges. Do you know how hard it is for a Black woman to sleep without a bonnet? And yet Candace Owens hates herself so much that she fights the natural instinct and puts her bare head on a pillowcase every night.
Owens, in her desperate attempt for relevancy, claimed that the US needed to invade Australia to free people “suffering under a totalitarian regime” and even made comparisons to Hitler, Stalin and the Taliban, the Guardian reports.
According to the Guardian, the Black woman who hates her Black skin claimed on her Daily Wire TV show earlier this week that Australia trying to keep people safe from COVID-19 has created an “ideological and psychological” global war.
“When do we deploy troops to Australia? When do we invade Australia and free an oppressed people who are suffering under a totalitarian regime? When do we spend trillions of dollars to spread democracy in Australia?” she asked.
This is apparently a common refrain from those on the right who believe that putting folks on lockdown, asking that they get vaccinated, or demanding that they wear masks when they leave the house to keep people from dying is tyrannical.
And they forget this major point: “The public health measures adopted by federal, state and territory governments have been overwhelmingly supported by the population,” the Guardian reports.
And this point: The measures work!
“While Australia has had about 1,500 deaths and 130,000 cases, the figures are far below the US death toll of 730,000 deaths and 45m cases, even on a per capita basis,” the Guardian reports.
Owens went on to describe Australia as a “tyrannical police state” where “its citizens are quite literally being imprisoned against their will.”
“When do we deploy? Of course, I ask that in jest because we all know the real answer. What is happening in Australia under the guise of a virus…is federal overreach, tyranny, totalitarianism—the kind that gives birth to evil dictatorships and human atrocities,” Owens added.
“We are watching a replay of the early ambitions of Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez.”
Meanwhile, in Australia:
She said some other things that included “tyrannical” and “blah, blah, blah” I tried to care about Candace Owens, and I’m already bored, because “Who the fuck is Candace Owens?”