Another day, another person on the internet makes Lizzo the target of cruelty for simply existing in her skin. This week, an internet troll predictably decided to mock how Lizzo looks. A unedited nude photo that the singer shared to Instagram from 2021 made its rounds again. The picture was part of a self-esteem social media campaign.
However, one Twitter user tweeted a photo of herself next to that particular image of the “About Damn Time” singer and asked ‘me or Lizzo?’ The tweet has since been deleted, with fans quickly coming to Lizzo’s defense. One replied: “One has four Grammys and is classically trained on the flute. The other just posted a six year old blurred picture of herself drinking wine with ice from a straw. Lizzo. Truth hurts.”
Of course, conservative nitwit Candace Owens couldn’t help but harass the star by throwing in her two cents. She also went to Twitter to vehemently voice her disapproval, though no one asked her or really cares what she thinks.
She wrote: “If you peep comments on any of Lizzo’s ‘fat acceptance’ photos, you will undoubtedly find a score of batshit insane women telling her that she looks beautiful. Men do not lie to other men in this way. They do not pretend that clinical obesity is beauty.”
This isn’t the first time the right-wing figure launched an unwarranted attack against Lizzo. Last year, following her “white lives matter” t-shirt debacle alongside Kanye West, Owens deflected by directing her ire toward the songstress on her infamous Daily Wire podcast.
“You know what we should’ve done, we should’ve put a ‘White Lives Matter’ t-shirt on Lizzo,” Owens stated. “Maybe we could have gotten a lot of attention about obesity and how it’s actually killing black Americans.” No one really expects anything else from the commentator.
Owens once again proved how desperate she is for attention—and will always demean Black folks to get it.