Seems our neighbors to the north have their own share of racists who aren’t afraid to spew their hatred in public, even in this, the cellphone age, in which you are guaranteed to be uploaded to one social media site or another within minutes.
One Canadian man videotaped a woman at a walk-in clinic in Mississauga, Ontario, demanding that a “white doctor” see her son for whatever issue. Needless to say, the video went viral.
In it, the woman was heard repeatedly and clearly specifying that she wanted to see a white doctor, CTV News reports.
“I would like to see a white doctor,” the woman said at the beginning of the video to a clinic staff member as her young son sat quietly next to her. “You’re telling me there’s not one white doctor in this whole entire building?”
The clinic staffer explained that there wouldn’t be a white pediatrician in until 4 p.m., I’m sure in hopes of just quieting the ignorant idiot, but ignorance is as ignorance does, and the woman refused to back down. She continued to complain, claiming that she waited five-and-a-half hours to see a “brown doctor” who she said did not help her child, who apparently was suffering from chest pains.
“He was not speaking English. His teeth were brown. I do not need his help,” the unidentified woman, whose face CTV News blurred to protect her son, said.
As time ticked on, the woman got increasingly agitated. Several of the patients waiting suggested that she take her child to the hospital, while others openly accused her of being racist.
“Your child clearly has more issues with you being his mother than him needing to see a doctor,” one young woman can be heard saying on camera. “You are extremely rude and racist.”
Hitesh Bhardwaj, who recorded the video in the waiting room, said that the incident shocked him, but he was proud to see that a young woman had the courage to intervene.
“There was a very brave young girl who came right up to her face and said that ‘You are racist and you shouldn’t be doing those things,’” he told the news station. “Seeing [the other woman’s racism] so openly, without any fear, in front of so many people, without even fearing that someone can report her—it was really shocking.”
Throughout the video, the woman continued to complain about the lack of white doctors before apparently amending her statement to specify that anyone who spoke English would do, because that’s definitely less racist.
“Oh, my God, what type of horrible country do I live in?” the woman ranted. “Being a white person in this country, I should just shoot myself.
“My kid is part not white, so can we get somebody to see him that at least speaks English?” she added. “I spoken [sic] English. We want somebody Canadian to see him.”
Honestly, these fools are everywhere.
Anyway, the incident eventually ended with the woman being escorted out of the waiting room. Local police acknowledged that they were called to the clinic Sunday afternoon for a “disturbance” after a caller reported a woman being “verbally aggressive.”
“The officer found that no criminal offense has been committed or was in the process of being committed,” a police spokesperson told the news station.
A doctor at the clinic eventually treated the boy.
Read more at CTV News.