Can’t Find the Words to Talk About Ferguson? Read These

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On Saturday, Aug. 9, 18-year-old Michael Brown was gunned down by a Ferguson, Mo.,  police officer. The unarmed teen’s death, the refusal of the police department to release the name of his killer until Friday morning and law enforcement’s treatment of demonstrating citizens have left many observers of this week’s events shocked and speechless. Others, in articles, tweets and on camera, have found just the right words to communicate the depth of this American tragedy. Read some of them here:

1. Stacia Brown

2. Dorian Johnson

3. Mychal Denzel Smith

4. Greg Howard

5. Roxane Gay

6. Imani ABL

7. Mychal Denzel Smith

8. Kara Brown

9. Melech T

10. Jason Parham

11. Tweet From Gaza

12. Lesley McSpadden, the Mother of Michael Brown

Diamond Sharp is an editorial fellow at The Root. Follow her on Twitter.