In Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender claims the then-president wanted the bunker leaker executed.
If I told you that Trump’s White House bedroom was filled with stolen penguins, would you be surprised? What if I said that Trump had a manservant whose job it was to hold his stomach up so that the president could urinate? Would you believe me, and why would you guess that this man servant was Sen. Lindsey Graham?
Seriously, is there anything outlandish that I could say about Trump’s time in the White House that would shock you?
So, it should come as no surprise that Orange Satan wanted whoever leaked news of the then-president being rushed down to a bunker during a dustup outside the White House between protestors and executed police, according to a new book from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender, CNN reports.
In Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost, Bender claims that Trump was so pissed that news of his hiding in a basement was revealed that he met with “top military, law enforcement and West Wing advisers, in which he aired grievances over the leak.”
From CNN:
“Trump boiled over about the bunker story as soon as they arrived and shouted at them to smoke out whoever had leaked it. It was the most upset some aides had ever seen the president,” Bender writes.
‘Whoever did that, they should be charged with treason!’ Trump yelled. ‘They should be executed!’” the book reads.
Then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows “repeatedly tried to calm the president as startled aides avoided eye contact,” Bender writes, adding that Trump’s top aide told his boss: “I’m on it. We’re going to find out who did it.”
Trump, angry over the leak for days, “repeatedly asked Meadows if he’d found the leaker,” with his top aide becoming “obsessed” with finding the source, according to the book, which noted that “those who said they’d heard the president issue that warning had interpreted the outburst as a sign of a president in panic.”
Trump was in the bunker for less than an hour but that was enough for him to earn the moniker “Bunker bitch.” The then-president was clowned mercilessly for going to the bunker during what amounted to a frat fight outside the White House. It’s not as if insurrectionists stormed the White House looking for blood.
Trump, being the insecure man-baby that he has always been, tried to hide his embarrassment by lying about being taken to the bunker for his protection and instead claimed that he was conducting a “bunker” inspection.