Build-a-Bear Steals Our Hearts With the Black Panther Teddy

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On the same day we flocked to theaters in our Wakandan finest to see Black Panther, Build-a-Bear announced the release of a Black Panther teddy that is totes adorbs.

The (not scary) plush toy comes complete with T’Challa necklace and the same suit that makes the Black Panther invincible, all for a cool $28.

Black Panther bear joins his furry friends from the superhero-verse, including Thor bear, Spider-Man bear and Captain America bear. Best of all, for $8 more, you can customize your T’Challa teddy with your own personalized voice message (e.g., “Wakanda forever,” “Hi, Auntie” or “Don’t scare me like that, colonizer!”)


Get ’em while they’re hot, children. Speaking of the kids, we have a feeling that more adults than little ones will snatch these up.

No word on whether BP bear has vibranium in his belly.