Professor Dennis Derryck of the New School is bridging theory and practice in a way that makes a difference to two vastly different communities. A professor of management and urban planning, Dr. Derryck spearheads a project that links the upstate rural Schoharie County and downstate urban South Bronx through the production and selling of fresh produce, in an effort to get healthy food into what is the poorest congressional district east of the Mississippi. After becoming frustrated with what mostly poor people were eating, Dr. Derryck developed a commercial community-supported agriculture plan (CSA) that sits on 92 acres of farmland in Schoharie. This program lets residents become active participants, determining what they will get. For people who stick with it, they get a chance to own shares in the farm. South Bronx residents have the opportunity to learn how to grow and eat healthier foods and possibly acquire land in the process? This project is putting theory into practice, which is a good thing.
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