BREAKING: Authorities Use Force to Beat Back Protesters in Tehran Square

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This is a recent development in the on-going unrest in Iran.

The information available right now is vague, but, according to CNN, it appears security forces in Iran have broken out clubs and firearms against election protesters in Tehran.

Many updates are being received via Twitter:

From @BreakingNews:

- "You should stop this, you should help the people from Iran who demand freedom," a student tells CNN after reported "brutal crackdown."


-A woman from Tehran told CNN that protesters were shot and "beaten like animals." There is no word on the extent of violence.


-CNN: Source says "500 thugs" with clubs came out of a mosque and attacked people at a square in Tehran.


-CNN: Source says Iranian security forces were "beating women madly" and killing people like hell." No independent confirmation.

-Reuters witness says more than 200 people are protesting in central Tehran. Conflicting reports on clashes and their extent.


-JUST IN — Iranian state television: Security forces broke up two protests, one of 200 and one of 50 people, but no violence reported.

-Witnesses tell AP that protesters and riot police have clashed in streets around Iran's parliament, confirming earlier reports.


-Iran state media: Tehran mayor Qalibaf has asked officials to legalize rallies, saying the public should be able to express its opinions.