Blog Noir: "Do Black Women's Reproductive Rights Even Matter?"

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In the wake of the Tebow Super Bowl ad controversy, Womanist Musings wants to know where the outrage is over an ATL billboard

At the same time that this battle is being waged, another is going quite unnoticed.  An anti-abortion group in Atlanta is targeting Black women by putting up billboards stating that Black children are an endangered species.

As proof of this claim they offer the fact that Blacks account for 30% of the general population and 56% of the abortions. When we consider the fact that Black children are universally devalued, this campaign has the possibility of being really effective.  Over the last two years campaigns specifically targeting the ability of Black women to choose have been on the rise and yet there has been little to no commentary from White feminists regarding this issue and so I ask, whose reproductive rights matter?

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