Blackout: Black Contractors Left Out of BP Oil Cleanup

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The blackout continues. Civil rights organizations are hopping mad that black contractors are being shut out of the highly profitable BP oil-spill cleanup efforts. According to a recent investigation by the NAACP, minority contractors are not being given an opportunity to make money by cleaning up the spill that has destroyed the livelihoods of so many black people in the Gulf region. According to information presented in the Federal Procurement Data System, only $2.2 million of the $53 million awarded in contracts to clean up the oil spill has been given to businesses being run by people of color. That is only 4.8 percent of the total. NAACP President Ben Jealous sent a letter telling BP CEO Tony Hayward that "contractors of color are not receiving equal consideration for opportunities to participate in mitigation efforts." Imagine that: blacks not being allowed to clean up.