A video has been posted online which shows a disturbing incident Sunday night in Philadelphia between a motorist and a Black woman. In the clip, the motorist—who was riding a dirt bike—allegedly side swiped the woman’s car, which led to a verbal exchange.
The woman in the video has been identified as Nikki Bullock. After the argument, the motorist then kicked in the back windshield of Bullock’s car before seemingly dropping his handgun.
As Bullock exits the vehicle to confront him, the man appears to pull out the gun on her but that doesn’t deter Bullock. The dirt bike rider then head butts Bullock, as onlookers stare but refuse to intervene. The man attempts to speed off, but she pushes him over before he makes his exit.
Bullock stated that she was delivering Uber Eats orders with her friend in the front seat and two children in the backseat. She explained how the exchange started.
“We were arguing back-and-forth because he hit the car, so after that his friend in front of me, he was arguing with me and while I’m arguing with friend he jumped off the bike, jumped on the back of the car and kicked the windshield in,” Bullock said.
Police say they have identified a suspect after coming across photos of the man sitting on his bike with his helmet lifted and his face shown.
“I didn’t see [the gun] hit the floor at all until he picked ut up,” Bullock said. “He pointed it at me, I couldn’t hear anything he was saying, I was screaming at him.”
She continued: “He pointed [the gun] at me and then he put it away and I was like ‘whatever, shoot me then, you’re not going to shoot me’ and then he headbutted me with the helmet and we were just going back-and-forth after that.”
Neither of Bullock’s children were hurt during the incident, but it’s a damn shame no one stepped in to help.