Black Woman Arrested After Anti-White Rant

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In a piece at Madame Noire, Brande Victorian weighs in on the case of a black woman who was arrested in London after she went on an anti-white rant on a public bus. The woman should have kept it to herself, Victorian argues, because now she's in legal trouble.

I doubt the black woman who flipped out on a London bus last week is the only woman of color to ever want to randomly go off on white people and "tell 'em why you mad son”, but perhaps she should have kept this rant to herself, as it has landed her in a bit of legal trouble. In a YouTube video posted August 17, a black woman some think is drunk and others think may be a little mentally off, takes the opportunity to get everything she feels about white people off her chest while riding public transportation, and she didn't hold her tongue at all. Here's a bit of her rant transcribed:

"I'm so glad I'm born black and I'll die black. I was born African and I'll f***ing die African.”

"The only reason I was born in this country is because you f***ing people brought my people here.”

"My parents are f***ing African, born in Jamaica. And I'm f***ing African, born in England and I can't stand you white people, I tell you.”

"I don't care what none of you lot got to say because at the end of the day if you lot would have had a choice you will f***ing go with your people and I'll go with mine.”

"The whole lot of you are programmed, f***ing puppets. Not this one, I'm black and proud.”

Somewhere in here she decides to spit on the floor, announce that she's black and proud once again, then go off about white people wanting to be black and the Queen's Jubilee.

Read Brande Victorian's entire piece at Madame Noire.

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