Are white people in Sacramento losing their minds?
Just this week, I reported on a whole Karen brigade in Sacramento, Calif., that threw a collective hissy-fit of Becky-ic proportions after getting thrown out of a hotel swimming pool because they couldn’t handle two Black women kissing each other in public. On Thursday, a far more dangerous white man in the same state attacked a Black woman and the business that she owns in what appears to be a clear hate crime.
CBS 13 Sacramento reports that Jazmine Bonnett, owner of Blossom Bathhouse, said that she was walking to her car to pay the parking meter when an apparently deranged white man verbally assaulted her and then tried to force his way into her store after she ran to get away from him.
From CBS:
“Black b-word, n-word, talked about my hair, ‘You black women with your weaves,’ ” she said.
Bonnett owns Blossom Bathhouse in Old Sacramento where she sells bath bombs. While trying to get away from the man, she went back to her store. That’s when she said things escalated.
“We did a tug of war with the door. I locked it and that’s when he just went full throttle,” said Bonnett.
Boarded-up windows show where the man police identified as Ross Wolfer, 55, smashed the glass with his foot and broke into the shop. The flying glass cut Bonnett’s arm in several places as Wolfer continued yelling racial slurs.
“To see the hatred and evil in his eyes as he is kicking a window and pushing in a window to get to me, I kind of thought he might kill me honestly,” she said.
First of all: If you look at the video footage of this shirtless white man shared by CBS, you’ll notice that dude looks like Gollum from Lord of the Rings if Gollum’s skin was the color of raw chicken quarters left out in the sun—and this guy has the caucasity to come for a Black woman’s hair.
But more important is the danger that people like this pose to Black people, and in this case, a Black woman who minding her own damn business.
According to CBS, Wolfer was arrested after he ran away from the scene and some onlookers chased after him. Mary Mundling, who works at a nearby jewelry store, said that when the cops caught up with him, “He made it an issue with the police, egging them on,” and that “the first police officer had her taser out and she did have to call back up.” But nobody shot his white ass?
“I was born with my skin color, proud of my skin color, not going to change it—can’t change it,” Bonnett told CBS. “To know that someone would want to attack me just because of that, that is kind of scary.”
Despite some $3,000 in damage done to her store—which I’m damn sure hoping someone whose last name is not Bonnett will be paying for—Bonnett said she has no plans to close up shop.
“I’m resilient,” she said. “I’m going to keep going.”