Black Tea Partiers to Protest NAACP

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The black-led South Central L.A. Tea Party (whose motto is "Power to the People") is reportedly planning a protest against the NAACP at the organization's 102nd annual convention in Los Angeles on July 24. The group is headed up by the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, president of BOND Action (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny).

Black Tea Partiers' specific gripes about the civil rights organization include that it's been "spreading lies" about racism in the Tea Party movement and promoting "black genocide" through its support of Planned Parenthood.

"The NAACP is a tool of the Obama administration,” Peterson said. He added, "For decades this group has supported left-wing policies which have created dependency, destroyed black families and hurt race relations."


Cheers to political diversity within the black community, vigorous debate, freedom of speech and a whole lot of material for Jon Stewart.

Read more at Politicus USA.

In other news: VIDEO: Rep. Stands Behind 'Not a Lady' Attack.