It’s happening all over the country. White people have had enough of Critical Race Theory.
In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing to have a bill that would prohibit schools from making white people feel uncomfortable when talking about racism. In Texas, a law came into effect that would control how race and racism is taught in classrooms. Last summer, Texas Gov. Greg Abbot signed a bill that would ban teachers from talking about racism. Now, Mississippi is next in line.
Black Mississippi senators walked out and withheld their votes in protest as the state Senate passed a bill that would ban schools from teaching critical race theory, according to the Associated Press.
The superintendent of education in Mississippi said critical race theory is not being taught in schools anyway.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) aims to look at how racism has molded every part of American society such as public policy and institutions such as the justice system. It looks at how those policies and institutions were made to conserve the social, economic, and political inequalities between white people and people of color.
As you would imagine, many Republican senators are for the bill while Democrats have been against it. The biggest sponsor of the bill in Mississippi has been Republican Sen. Michael McLendon, who is white (*pretends to be shocked*), and has said that his constituents have “heard” about CRT over the news and don’t want it taught in schools.
I’m going to guess that many of his constituents are white also.
Even though, according to the Associated Press, McLendon had a difficult time defining what CRT even is when he was asked about it.
Hard to look back at your history when it’s filled with slavery, genocide and violence.
More from the Associated Press:
Republicans across the country have been raising money for months by saying critical race theory is a threat and multiple Republican-led states have banned or limited the teaching of critical race theory or similar concepts through laws or administrative actions.
Republicans control the Mississippi House and Senate. Gov. Tate Reeves and House Speaker Philip Gunn are among the GOP leaders who have publicly said critical race theory is harmful.
Black senators walked out of the Mississippi Senate chamber before the vote on Senate Bill 2113. It passed 32-2, with the only votes against the bill coming from two white Democrats.
The bill will move to the House for more work.
Although the title of the bill is “Critical Race Theory” the main text of the bill does not define what it is, according to the Associated Press.
A quick Google search could’ve told you that.
The bill says no no school, community college or university could teach that any “sex, race, ethnicity, religion or national origin is inherently superior or inferior.”
Democratic Sen. John Horhn, one of the most outspoken senators who walked out in protests against the bill wondered if the bill could ban schools from learning about important events throughout Mississippi history such as Sen. James O. Eastland who led the effort to ban anti-lynching legislation, according to the Associated Press.
Sen. David Blount, who is white and a democrat, was one of the two who voted against the bill. He asked Sen. McLendon if they should ban things such as whether the sun rotates around the Earth. Sarcasm.
CRT is meant to tell the history of this country. Unfortunately, it is filled with people who wanted to use racism as a tool to perpetuate white dominance throughout society and maintain the inequalities between white people and everyone else who isn’t white.
Sorry white people if that makes you feel queasy.