A Gwinnett County middle school student reportedly whipped their classmate with another student’s belt while calling her a slave, according to Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Now, both the teacher and the students involved are under investigation.
A student at Radloff Middle School was attacked by a group of students just before spring break. According to the victim’s father, she texted her parents saying she didn’t feel safe anymore at school. She said she sat with one student and another approached them asking, “How much for your monkey?” The student responded with the price of $450. The student sitting beside the girl looked at her and said, “Alright, I own you now n—r. Do my homework, slave.”
The girl refused (as she should) and as a result, the student began lashing her with the other child’s belt. What did the teacher do? Not much beyond, “boys, leave her alone,” according to the girl’s father. She also didn’t even report the incident to the school administrators.
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When the parents went to the school the next day, they said administrators confirmed the teacher didn’t report it. The principal sent out a letter, calling the incident despicable. The students were suspended and are now facing criminal charges.
The father told Fernandes that he is satisfied with how administrators handled things, but they don’t understand why the teacher didn’t take this seriously enough to report it.
“There’s no safe place. There should be several options for kids in that type of situation where they can walk out immediately, go to someone immediately, have something done immediately,” the victim’s father said.
After failing to respond appropriately, the teacher is now under investigation by the school district’s human resources department, according to Channel 2. The students involved could face criminal charges. Hopefully, this student receives the justice she deserves.