‘Black Madam’ to Serve at Least 10 Years in Fatal Butt-Injection Case

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Padge-Victoria Windslowe received a 10- to 20-year prison sentence for performing illegal “body sculpting” butt injections that killed one woman and seriously injured another, NBCPhiladelphia.com reports.

A Philadelphia judge sentenced the self-proclaimed “Black Madam” Thursday following her conviction in March of third-degree murder in the death of Claudia Aderotimi. The 20-year-old dancer traveled to Philadelphia from London in 2011 for a silicone butt injection. Windslowe struck a vein during the procedure, and the low-quality silicone spread to Aderotimi’s lungs, killing her hours later. Windslowe went underground and continued the illegal practice.

The jury also found her guilty of aggravated assault for performing another butt injection after Aderotimi’s death. That injection resulted in a pulmonary embolism.


Windslowe told jurors her clients called her “the Michelangelo of buttocks injections.” She charged $1,000 to $2,500 for her services and claimed to have celebrity clients. But as prosecutors pointed out, she has no medical training and utilized low-quality and nonstandard products, such as Krazy Glue, to close puncture wounds.


Windslowe, who once operated a transgender escort service, told the judge that she received silicone injections after her sex change. The injections gave her curves that made her feel attractive, and she wanted to do the same for other women.


Judge Rose Marie DeFino-Nastasi said Windslowe is not an evil person, according to the Associated Press. “You don’t believe that you must follow the rules of society. … It showed in the courtroom,” the judge added. She was particularly bothered by Windslowe’s continuing to perform the illegal procedure after Aderotimi’s death.

Read more at NBCPhiladelphia.com and the Associated Press.