A civil lawsuit brought by grassroots activists from around the United States against a foundation with stewardship of the Black Lives Matter movement’s charitable endowment has been thrown out. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Stephanie Bowick dismissed the suit, agreeing with the foundation’s attorneys.
A collective of organizers, known as Black Lives Matter Grassroots Inc., stated that Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation Inc. had received donations stemming from the work of the city-based Black Lives Matter chapter. The group then claimed the foundation ultimately defrauded the public and left activists out of the decision-making process.
Lawyers for the foundation pushed back and said that the BLM organizers didn’t prove that they were entitled to the money raised nor did they prove allegations that the foundation’s leaders used funds inappropriately. Part of the fraud claim was based on the infamous $6 million Cali mansion bought with donated funds. The foundation stated the property would be used for a Black artists fellowship.
Black Lives Matter chapter organizers say that claim is untrue. However, in a court order Bowick said that that is accusations of fraud were “premised upon misrepresentation rather than concealment, the complaint fails to sufficiently allege the how, when, where, to whom, and by what means the representations were tendered.”
Co-founder of BLM Grassroots, Melina Abdullah, said that the collective was “stunned and dismayed” by the case’s outcome. An attorney for the organizers confirmed that an appeal would be filed “immediately.” Abdullah expressed in a statement: “As always, the work of Black Lives Matter continues, regardless of the court ruling.”
In a statement, the foundation expressed gratitude and urged unity. “The problems we face as a community are too great for us to be divided.” The foundation also emphasized the importance of their work despite allegations it has received. “We have stayed true to our principles, philanthropic duties, and organizational focus despite countless blatant fabrications, misrepresentations, and innuendos of misdeeds lodged against us,” the statement read.