“Donald Trump will self destruct. And those that he appealed to, the dark side, will self destruct. The question is: what will you and I do that believe in things that are right and righteous and democratic?” Sharpton said in part, in a video to Instagram shortly after Trump was announced as president before encouraging viewers to press on in the fight for rights. “Let’s not act like we didn’t have to fight to move the country forward in the first place; that we didn’t have to stand against strong headwinds; that we didn’t have to survives some strong fights.”
He continued:
That’s what got us civil rights, and voting rights, and labor rights, and women’s rights and LGBTQ rights. All of those rights were fought for and won with hard fights. And maybe we forgot how to fight some of us. Some of us felt thatr was yesterday, Well, it appears yesterday could be today. So you better gird up your loins, let’s see what you got.
He went on to say that while he was disappointed, he wasn’t in despair and said he would continue to fight and encouraged others to keep fighting as well.