Black America: Still a Tale of 2 Countries

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The Root DC's Hamil R. Harris analyzes the results of a recent Urban League report. 

While African Americans have made significant economic gains since the 1960s the definition of wealth and success remains a tale of the haves and the have nots when black achievement is compared to the success of whites.

The National Urban League made this conclusion during the release of their annual "State of Black America," report on Capitol Hill, where they highlighted the economic forecast of black America in the context of the budget debate now raging in Congress.

"There has been important progress in the last 50 years: decrease in poverty, increases in high school graduation rates and enrollment rates," said Urban League President Marc Morial. "But the  disparity between  black America and white Americans when it comes to jobs,  income, health care and wealth remain too large."

While the "State of Black America," report has been an annual event for  decades,  the Urban League commissioned a 50 year study this year to commemorate the 1963 March on Washington. The study concluded that for every black that made it to college in 1963 there are now five and the number of blacks living in poverty has decreased by 23 percent. But when contrasted to whites the income gap has only closed by 7 percent …

Read Hamil R. Harris' entire piece at The Root DC. 

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