It was a Friday night in Washington D.C., and what was the so-called leader of the free world doing? Staying up past his bedtime to catch up on his favorite hobby: racist hate-tweeting.
Shortly before midnight, Donald Trump tweeted:
“Lebron [sic] James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!”
Trump’s obsession with Lemon ain’t new. And as anyone who listens to the Gospel of Cardi B will tell you, if you’re paying this much attention and doling out this much energy to someone you supposedly hate, bitch, I hate to tell you this but...
You’re a fan.
As one White House reporter’s screenshot revealed, Trump was Drake-deep in his feelings last night, furiously retweeting praise for himself (Geminis love a good affirmation) before firing his shot at Don and LeBron.
So what was it that got Trump so riled up? It could have been that one of the greatest basketball players of all time pulled no punches when talking about the president. LeBron has been vocal about social issues throughout his career, and this past week announced plans to open up a school for at-risk kids. During his sitdown with Lemon on CNN Monday (wait, was Trump DVRing this?), James called out Trump for using sports to divide Americans.
“What I’ve noticed over the past few months,” James said. “(Is) he’s kinda used sports to kinda divide us, and that’s something that I can’t relate to.”
He compared that to his own experiences with sports.
“Sports was the first time I was ever around someone white,” said James. “I got an opportunity to see them and learn about them, and they got the opportunity to learn about me ... And I was like, ‘Oh wow, this is all because of sports.’”
Predictably, the attention-thirsty president’s tweet drew puh-lenty of responses, many of them in the vein of Jemele Hill’s astute and accurate commentary:
“You don’t want that smoke.”
Or, to put it another way, if you got something to say:
Of course, not only has hate-tweeting at odd hours been par for the presidential course since 2017, Trump also indulged one of his favorite racist habits: singling out black people on Twitter and accusing them of being stupid or having a “low IQ.”
But wait. How has Trump felt about LeBron in the past? Has he always been Team Jordan? How old is this beef exactly? Surely, Trump, a man of the hugest integrity and highest IQ, isn’t just a bitter old goat with an astonishing amount of free time on his hands?
Surely, he wasn’t calling King James a “great player and a great guy” just five years ago?
(The answer: Of course he was.)
Can someone (Melania, if you’re still there and you’re real, I’m looking at you) just put CoCo on for this motherfucker so he can clear out his emotional constipation?