Bishop Eddie Long Takes Leave From New Birth

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The is reporting that Bishop Eddie Long is taking a leave of absence from New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in order to "heal his family." Long has been at the center of multiple scandals, one involving accusations of coercing teen boys into sexual relationships and the other behind an alleged investment scheme led by businessman Ephren Taylor Jr. 

In the past few days, Long and his wife, Vanessa, have been in the media for a divorce announcement that was made, rescinded and then reinstated, all within hours of each other on the same day. After the last announcement stating that Mrs. Long would indeed follow through with the divorce petition, Eddie Long is now taking time off to be with his family.

This story has more twists and turns than an episode of The Bold, the Black and the Beautiful. Seriously, these folks should just go away. A little bird named Narcissus tells us that a break from the limelight is unlikely.


If being accused of pedophilia didn't drive him out of the public eye, then why would a pending divorce? People are wondering what Vanessa Long "has" on her husband. If what's going on in private is worse than what has been made public, then we don't want to know.